
The Religion of St. Darwin

(a.k.a. “Goo-to-You”)

“Religion” is defined as a cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. 

Therefore, evolution truly qualifies as a religion!  (If you wish to disagree, please explain those silly little Darwin fish with legs that appear on cars and shirts of this religion’s followers.)


There is NO conflict between science and creation.
The actual battle is between the presuppositions of evolutionary scientists vs. creation scientists!

Romans 1:25 “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised. Amen.”

OPERATION SCIENCE uses the “scientific method” to discover truth by performing observable and repeatable experiments in a controlled environment.  This is done to find patterns of recurring behavior in our present physical universe.  For example, gravity can be tested, we can study the spread of disease or observe speciation in the wild or in a lab.  Both Creationist scientists and evolutionary scientists use this kind of true science, which has resulted in cures for diseases, space travel and computers.  THERE IS NO DISAGREEMENT HERE!

ORIGIN SCIENCE attempts to discover truth by looking at reliable eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence, like canyons, fossils and pottery.  Because the past obviously cannot be observed directly, biased assumptions are made, which greatly affect resulting interpretations.  THERE IS MASSIVE DISAGREEMENT HERE!


It takes so much more faith to believe in the fanciful story of evolution than it does to reason that the evidence of design found in everything we see, actually had a Designer!  Evolution is truly a whimsical, outdated, unproven, illogical theory that adds absolutely nothing to science, which people gladly hold onto despite the known extensive problems with the theory.

Beneficial mutations, adaptations and changes always result from a loss of existing genetic information.  No new information is ever spontaneously added.  In fact, we see just the opposite: No transitional fossil forms have ever been found!  Ever wonder why?  Answer: Because they don’t exist.

Evolution is NOT science – it is merely a philosophy masquerading as science!

It is a man-made fairy tale concocted for those who don’t want to believe, or refuse to believe, that they were created.  The Second Law of Thermodynamics indicates that entropy (a measure of disorder) is increasing, or simply put: Everything wears out.  That is in direct conflict with evolution’s belief that everything is advancing and becoming more organized.  You can’t have it both ways.  Science makes it clear that information cannot arise from nothing by disorder or chance.  Life simply does not (and cannot) arrive from non-life.

Here’s a different take on the old question about which came first – the chicken or the egg:  The complex mechanisms needed to decode DNA, and to proof-read it for errors, are themselves proteins coded in the DNA.  Proteins are needed to read, check and manufacture DNA, but DNA is needed to make proteins.  Since neither can exist without the other, which came first – the protein or the DNA?  The obvious answer is that they could not have evolved, but were actually created together at the same time.  There is no other way around it!  The more we learn, the more evolution is revealed for the God-avoiding fiction that it really is!

Sir Fred Hoyle of England, one of the world’s best-known astronomers and mathematicians wrote about the impossibility of Darwinian evolution.  He compared the random appearance of a simple cell to the likelihood that “a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.” (Nature, 11/12/81)  He is also credited with coining the term “Big Bang.”  However, it was done mockingly, as he considered the theory preposterous.

The “superstring theory” postulates at least eleven dimensions to exist.  Whether that theory is true or not, do you believe it is possible that there may be things going on “out there” to which our finite minds have no ability to comprehend or even perceive?  Think about it!  The God of the Bible is an infinite being, not bound by limitations of time, space or anything else.  He is outside of time.  In fact, He created time!

Why would a person hold onto a view which goes against logic?  Is it just in order to avoid the consequences involved if they are forced to admit that God really does exist?  He has given us the Bible as a manual for our lives, which has never been proven to contain any errors.  In fact, it is repeatedly confirmed by “new” scientific discoveries.  The Truth is out there – He is just waiting for people to turn their faith away from ever changing humanistic theories and listen to Him.

If one opens their eyes…they may be surprised at what is actually seen!

The following links are excellent resources to explore the truth of creation versus the fantasy of evolution:icranswers-in-genesis-logo