When it comes right down to it, a belief in God is made or denied based upon where you stand on the issue of Creation vs. Evolution.  They are incompatible and these are the only 2 choices: We were either created or else we evolved.

If you believe we were created, an investigation should take place, in order to find out who created you and what, if anything, they have to tell you.  If you believe we evolved, is your decision based upon a thorough analysis of the known facts or do you just blindly accept the evolutionary theory preached by the majority of schools, universities, media and institutions?

You’ve probably heard it said that this is a conflict between science and religion.  It is actually a conflict between those who have a secular/humanistic worldview and those with a Biblical worldview.  (Read the Goo-To-You page of this site for an explanation of operational vs. origins science.)  There are educated scientists on both sides of the issue.

Why is there such a reluctance from the evolutionary scientists to allow a legitimate alternate view to be taught side-by-side, if not for the fact that it would expose the inadequacies of evolutionary theory?  People must have both sides of the story, in order to make an educated decision as to which belief is more logical and consistent with the known facts. “Expelled” was an excellent documentary released in 2008, by Ben Stein, exposing those who zealously oppose your ability to even consider creation.

Over much time, increased scientific knowledge has revealed tremendous problems with Darwin’s 150 year old theory.  If given an honest evaluation, these discoveries actually make evolution an impossibility.

Please take the time and look into it, so that whatever decision you choose, you will have made an informed decision – not based upon what you’ve been told, but by what you have discovered!  If it ends out that God makes more sense than Darwin, don’t just create a “god” that you think should exist – take the time and get to know the real God from the Bible, Jesus Christ.