Judgmental Christians should “Fear The Lord”

You’ve undoubtedly heard it said before (and may have even said it) about how Christians are so judgmental.  What hypocrites, right? Well, Christians are actually instructed to be judgmental, but only of other believers – NOT of unbelievers. ...

The Rapture

The Rapture amuses, confuses and also encourages many people, depending upon their individual level of knowledge and familiarity. While the word does not actually appear in the Bible, the concept most certainly does.  It comes from a term in the Latin Vulgate...

The 2300 BC Event

Critics of the Bible like to claim there is no evidence of a global flood and that Noah’s flood was just a localized event, if it even occurred at all.  However, this narrative is not what the evidence actually shows. The  2300 BC Event is a three volume book...

Why Are There So Many Different Belief Systems?

If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many different belief systems and denominations in Christianity and around the world, this video gives a great explanation! It is less than 2 hours long and makes for a great Bible study.  The teacher is Les Feldick and...

But, what about those who have never heard the Gospel?

Frequently, you’ll hear people ask the above question.  Well, the Bible specifically tells us that everyone can know of God by what He has created and revealed to us.  If people choose not to believe God, they are without excuse!...

Where was the Baby before He was in the manger?

Every year around Christmas, so many people see the depiction of the Baby in a manger and celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth.  But, have you ever given thought to where He was prior to being born in the manger? As the Son of God, He didn’t just begin to exist at that...